Reviewed at Smashwords by: Suzy Stewart Dubot on March 4, 2019 In this latest novel by Barnaby Wilde, the author has managed to cover the intricacies of time travel while adding his usual hilarious predicaments and their bumbling solutions. Loved the story! Reviewed at Amazon in the United Kingdom by Harvey Reeman on 27 January 2019 Verified Purchase Brilliant .... Another thoroughly enjoyable masterpiece. I don't know where your imagination comes from but we need lots more of it in print.
Time Travel Novel A chase through time as two men’s lives become inextricably linked when their time lines get entangled.
Out of Time The ubiquitous ATM hides a little known secret. For a select few, with the correct plastic card, not only will they dispense cash, but also enable time travel forward or backward along your personal timeline. But what happens if you use someone else's card? Out of Time illustrates the perils of Time Travel as two men's lives become inextricably linked when their time lines get entangled. A gentle romp through the paradox and hazard of messing with time.
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Barnaby Wilde (author)
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