Barnaby’s Shorts Ten Short Stories in each volume, to read in the bath, on the train, in bed, or on the beach. A mixed bag of gentle humour, a hint of mystery, a touch of pathos and tales with a twist.
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Review Posted by Tracey Howard on on Oct. 30, 2014 As usual, Barnaby Wilde offers up a great selection of stories with unique perspectives, humor, and more than the occasional twist. Well worth the read! Review Posted by Emma Laybourn on July 27, 2012 on These good-natured, discursive stories are sometimes a little slow to get going, but contain some really inventive ideas. I especially enjoyed "Benny" and "Onwards and Upwards. Review posted on Barnes and Nobel by Anonymous April 23, 2013 Enjoyed this Barnaby's Shorts as much as the others. I hope there are more on the way. Review on Smashwords by Elizabeth Rowan Keith on Oct. 29, 2013 I always enjoy the works of Barnaby Wilde, and this collection is no exception. My perspective has been shifted, my heart has been warmed, and my funny bone has been thoroughly tickled. Without reservation, I highly recommend this book. Review posted on By Kristianna 27 Aug 2013 Just too funny. The 5 star is meant for "SwayCrazy". I almost fell of my chair, laughing so hard. And so did my grandkids. A really great "tongue in cheek" story! Review Posted on Barnes and Noble by anonymous January 12, 2013 Good book! I thoroughly enjoyed the stories. They were diverse and unpredictable. Review Posted on Barnes and Noble by Anonymous January 20, 2013 I am really enjoying reading the Barnaby's Shorts collection. I might not like all the stories, but I definitely like most of them. I will continue to read books by this author. Review by Anna Scott Graham Posted on on Jan. 10, 2014 Another fabulous collection, with a story for just about every reader. My favourites were 'The Fourth Plinth', 'The Autograph Hunter', and 'Chameleons', and 'A Bed for One Night' was wonderful too. Highly recommended. Review by David H. Keith posted on Smashwords on Jan. 13, 2014 Barnaby Wilde has a wonderful knack of spinning a fabulous yarn and this, his seventh collection of his shorts, is vintage Wilde. I find myself wondering if The Yarn Man isn't more autobiographical than fiction. I do look forward to your eighth collection. I'm hooked, ye sod. Review by Gary Weston Posted on on Oct 28 2012 This is Barnaby Wilde in top form. His humour and original style captures the essence of telling it short and telling it well. Very moreish, like having a big packet of chocolate biscuits, hard to stop once you've started. Review posted on Anonymous posted April 23, 2013 Enjoyed this Barnaby's Shorts as much as the others. I hope there are more on the way.
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(Click the book covers for more information)
(Volume One) The Accidental Bank Job Could you rob a bank by accident?. Tiny Aliens What if aliens were very small? Benny What if you could grow a man from a bean? The Holey Oak An image of Jesus is found in a rotten oak tree. Onwards and Upwards Everyone knows how stairs work, don’t they? Case Closed A story about cardboard boxes? Surely not? The Princess and the Frog A fairy story..., or is it? The Horse who ran with the Wind. A story with a moral. Swaycrazy The customer is often right. The Monkey Faced Boy Graffiti with a twist.
Volumes 2 to 11 (10 stories in each volume)
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Barnaby Wilde (author)
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